Horse & Tack Donations

In order to keep our program running smoothly and to accommodate all of our riders we often accept donations that fit our programs needs. If you have a horse, tack or trailer that you think would fit please contact Cherie Morton directly. All donations are eligible for a 501c tax form.



The common ground that unites all of us in Sonny James Equine Ministries is our love for horses. While some of our group have their own horses, there are plenty of children who are just starting out and need a horses to learn on. We are always looking for competitive horses to add to our program. Please feel free to reach out to us and see if your horse is a good fit for our program.


Tack & Equipment

There is always a need of gently used saddles and tack for our organization. We welcome both Western and English tack, along with blankets, grooming supplies, and basically anything needed to help keep a barn running smoothly.


trailers & Transportation

In order for us to travel and further spread our message, we need trucks and trailers. If you have a trailer, truck, or would like to help us purchase one for our organization please contact us directly.